My Exams – Accessing Your Candidate Information Online

The CAS is always looking for ways to streamline and improve the candidate process. We want to make sure your time is spent where it needs to be – on your career path to becoming an FCAS. After receiving member feedback regarding access to exam information and candidate numbers, we have created a new section of your online profile – My Exams.

My Exams allows easy access to important information about your exams. The new page provides the Exam Acknowledgement Letter, which is an acknowledgement of your examination registration and includes your receipt, your chosen exam location, and your candidate number. About 3 weeks before the exam, the Exam Center information will also be available online, which will provide the proctor’s contact information, the exam center address, and any site specific information.

Candidates can access My Exams by logging in to their online profile using the My Profile link at the top of the CAS homepage. Once logged in, navigate to My Exams under the My Profile dropdown, or use this link.

In addition to the My Exams section, in the fall of 2013, there were changes to the process of releasing exam results. The new process reduces the demand on the CAS website and allows candidates to have more reliable access to their exam results, the following changes were made:

  • When the list of passing candidates for an exam is available, the list will be posted at a randomly generated web address.
  • An email with a link to the web page with the list of passing candidates will be sent to all candidates who sat for that particular exam.
  • Several days after the email is distributed to candidates, a link to the list of passing candidates will be posted on the CAS website.

Please let us know your thoughts on these changes, or suggest ways to make your candidate experience better, by commenting on this post.

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Five Things to Look For in a Future Employer

Finding your first job or internship can seem like a huge, overwhelming task – almost as daunting as studying for FM. When I was just starting out, I had no idea what I wanted and almost accepted my first offer before even hearing back from other companies I’d interviewed with. Over time, though, I learned that I not only had to hope companies liked me, but make sure I liked the companies as well. Every company is different, so finding a place where you fit well is easier said than done. Here are some important things to look out for when you’re sorting it all out:


This one is easy. Don’t like snow? Don’t work in Minneapolis. Hate huge cities? Don’t work in NYC. Figure out what you’re willing to live with and what you’re not, and narrow your search from there.

Workload Consistency

This ties into the infamous “work/life balance.” Usually people talk about this in relation to insurance vs. consulting. Having worked in both, I can safely say that which one you’ll fit better in depends on who you are. If you like working on fewer long-term projects, knowing what hours you’re going to work and what you’ll be working on most days, insurance is probably for you. If you like juggling multiple shorter-term projects, working on different things every day and you’re ok with the idea of a busy season, consulting might be for you. One isn’t better than the other –it’s all about which environment is best suited for you.

Exams and Study Time

Some companies tend to put more emphasis on passing exams than others. Insurance companies generally will be more proactive about making sure you get your study time, whereas consulting companies tend to leave it to you to make sure you get your study time (although they also tend to be more forgiving if you fail).You can definitely pass quickly in either environment, so figure out what you want and definitely ask about a company’s exam program in an interview or info session if that’s important to you.

The Actual Work

This one’s kind of important too. This definitely depends on the company, but in general consulting projects will involve more interpersonal interaction (especially with non-technical people) and insurance projects will generally involve more in-depth analyses. You won’t really know what you like until you do it, and getting variety at the beginning is a great way to figure that out. If that’s important to you, ask about rotation programs or what kind of variety new hires are exposed to in their projects.

Company Culture

The only way to really figure this one out is to talk to people who work at the company. If you know someone who interned there, ask them what their experience was like. Interviews are great for this too – ask your interviewer what a typical day is like or what kinds of things they’re involved with at their company outside of their actuarial work. Interviews at the company headquarters are even better because you’ll get to experience the company’s culture firsthand – if you get the chance to tour the building, PAY ATTENTION!

This is just my list. Follow your heart and your head — Figure out what’s important to you and do as much as you can to go after what you want. Internships are the best way to figure out what kind of work suits you best, so start as early as you can. Best of luck!

Sarah Manuel is a double major in actuarial sciences and economics at the University of Illinois and president of the Actuarial Science Club. She will start work this summer as a full-time Actuary Analyst in the Human Capital Group of Deloitte Consulting, LLP. The graduating senior spent the past three summers interning for the State Farm Research and Development Center, CNA Insurance and Deloitte.

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Why I Chose the Property and Casualty Route

A friend in my actuarial classes absolutely loves talking about mortality and death. Not really my thing. I joke that that’s my motivation behind choosing property and casualty over life and health. But in all seriousness, there are several factors that contributed to my decision.

I am excited by the variety of opportunities within property and casualty actuarial work. The different lines of business, including auto, home, and workers compensation, all have their nuances. While they might share the same foundation, working across different lines of business offers variety and unique challenges. On a larger scale, I feel like I have a wide variety of roles from which to choose. There are more business-oriented roles that may work more closely with clients or underwriters, while there are also more technical roles that may focus on internal processes. I am certain that with all of these options, monotony will not be an issue.

Another motivation is the dynamic nature of the work. Property and casualty insurance is directly influenced by legislative activity, economic conditions, and consumer behavior trends – all of which are constantly changing. This presents actuaries with new challenges and opportunities for creative solutions.  New products are introduced to cater to changes in society. For example, there was no need for something like cyber liability insurance even fifteen years ago, yet now it is a very relevant risk for insurance companies to cover. Actuarial work continues to evolve with the times, which means I can rest assured that my work will continue to be relevant.

By choosing to be an actuary in the property and casualty field, I am choosing to continue learning. In order to keep up with the changes in the property and casualty insurance industry, an actuary can draw connections between current events and seek further understanding to learn how they impact actuarial work. I find this an especially exciting aspect of my career choice.  An actuary working with an insured oil company in North Dakota may have to study the oil extraction process of fracking while an actuary working with home insurance in Florida may need to learn more about the increasing trend of hurricanes.  Actuarial work presents the opportunity to broaden your knowledge base by learning about other topics. In addition, the CAS offers valuable continuing education opportunities to facilitate my desire to learn and grow. My experience in the casualty actuarial field has changed the way I view current events by recognizing risks and the impact on the insurance industry.

It’s one of my favorite questions to ask seasoned actuaries – why did you choose property and casualty insurance? Everyone has their own stories of paths taken and reasoning for their decision.  After deciding on the property and casualty route, I found it was the natural path to pursue CAS credentials for its well recognized and respected presence within the actuarial community. I am excited about my choice and to start my career in such a dynamic and interesting field.

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Making the Most of the Student Central Online Community

Thank you for being a member of CAS Student Central. The online community is meant to be a central location for you to share and download files, view important deadlines, discuss interesting topics with fellow students, and access resources that will help you throughout your career. Here are some of the community features you can take advantage of as a member:

  • Discussion board: using the discussion board, as many of you already have, you can share your thoughts, questions, and experiences with other students and CAS members. Any time you need input from the group, feel free to post a new discussion to the board! Create your own thread in the community to discuss important topics with your peers, such as internships, career tips and resources, or study tools.
  • Future Focus: Future Focus is the exclusive Student Central blog. Every two weeks, Future Focus will feature a new post on a myriad of topics of interest to actuarial students. Blogs are written by fellow students, academics, professionals, and CAS staff. If you are interested in sharing your views and experiences as a guest blogger, please contact me at
  • File library: the file library contains important documents and information that may help you throughout your career – including academic and study resources, information about the Casualty Actuarial Society, exam schedules, curriculum guides, and the newsletter archive.
  • Calendar: using the calendar, you can stay up to date on upcoming scholarship deadlines, student and actuarial conferences, exam registration dates, and other events such as webinars.
  • Exam Study Groups: in addition to the Student Central community, you have access to other CAS-hosted communities, including community study groups for each of the actuarial exams. Post questions and share resources and tips with others preparing to take the same exam.
  • Additionally, every month, a new poll will be posted to the community homepage. This poll allows us to learn more about you, and you can see how your experiences compare to other students! After the poll closes, you can review the results in the file library and the newsletter.

If you ever need to change the amount of emails you receive from the community, you can easily manage your email subscription preferences using this link: A document outlining the options for changing your preferences is available in the Student Central library.

Don’t forget to add Student Central to your favorites to stay up-to-date on future interactions! Once logged in, simply click on the “Add to Favorites” button on the right, below the main navigation. Adding the community as a favorite will give you greater control over your notification preferences and allow you to access the community faster.

If you have any questions or ideas, email us at

Anastasia Fete is the Marketing and Communications Coordinator at the Casualty Actuarial Society.

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An Introduction to Actuarial Internships

One of the most important things to do when looking for an actuarial internship is to educate yourself about the actuarial career. Companies do not expect you to know how to go about a rate revision or know what a loss triangle is, however, you should be familiar with the admissions process (exams, VEE requirements, etc), the differences between SOA and CAS (the latter is the THE professional society for property and casualty actuaries), and a basic understanding of what actuaries do.

There are many places online where you can read about all of these things, and the more you know the better—for two reasons: one, because you will have a better understanding of the career path you are about to embark upon, and two, because you will be able to demonstrate your understanding of and interest in an actuarial career in an interview. It is also helpful to have an exam passed, though this is not a requirement for an internship at most firms. It is, however, a requirement almost anywhere for a full-time position, so it’s certainly not a bad idea to start thinking about exams.

Once you have a basic knowledge of the actuarial profession, now is the time to start looking at companies where you can intern. Career centers at your university are a great place to start. You can also look at local insurance and consulting companies’ websites for any job postings. Once you begin applying and are able to secure an interview, the next key action step is to diligently research the company and be familiar with their products and services and, as importantly, their company culture.

Once you accept an internship offer, be ready for an exciting and challenging experience. I use those two words because you will constantly be learning new things and challenging yourself through project work and other learning material, but if you are interested in the actuarial profession you will find it very exciting and interesting and will be eager to learn all of the new ideas coming your way. Remember that you can learn something from each experience; therefore, if you find yourself working on something seemingly uninteresting, you could be learning some new excel formulas or VBA code that you once did not know. The internship is a great opportunity to get your feet wet and begin your journey of constant learning and growth, so go in with an open mind and an eagerness to learn and you will greatly benefit from the experience!

James Wood is a senior at Bryant University. One online application, a phone screen, and in-person interview later, the actuarial major has been a part of the internship program for seven months at Hanover Insurance Group in Worcester, MA, one of the top 25 property and casualty insurers in the United States.

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Bridging the Gap Between College and Career

Like some of you, I entered college knowing that I wanted to become an actuary, but without a formal actuarial program at my school, the first step toward my actuarial career seemed like a crash course in independent research. Sure, I had read the general description of the profession, had a sense of where an actuary could work, and knew that there were exams involved, but as an undergraduate, I had a limited idea of the direction I wanted my career to take.

Persistent Googling, along with conversations with any and every actuary I could meet, helped to gradually paint a picture of the profession in general, and the property & casualty branch in specific. But some of these tools only went so far, and I couldn’t help but sense somewhat of a knowledge gap about the P&C actuarial profession.

It is precisely that void that the brand new CAS Student Central plans to fill, helping you bridge the gap between college and career. Whether you’re enrolled in a university with a full-fledged program, or, like I was, one of only a handful of actuarial hopefuls at your school, Student Central can be the stepping stone to your post-graduation path.

But what will signing up do for you? Access to members-only resources, such as study aids and skill-building tips, will help you gear up for your first few exams and prepare you as you apply for internships and full-time positions. Membership in Student Central will also serve as your exclusive library card to the CAS lending library, where you’ll be able to borrow required exam readings and other actuarial publications. And future webinars on topics such as effective study techniques, provided at no cost to members, will help you take your talents to the next level.

With CAS Student Central, much of the Googling that I had to do will be replaced by one centralized site. Still, the conversations that I had with actuaries proved invaluable as I set out on my career; in fact, one of them helped me land an internship, which eventually led to my current role in the Loss Reserving department of a major P&C insurance carrier.

Student Central certainly does not intend to replace those discussions. On the contrary, it aims to create more opportunities to connect and will serve as a facility for this kind of dialogue. From a collegiate standpoint, access to our online student community database will connect you with a larger population of students who are interested in a P&C actuarial career. Membership also provides access to the CAS online membership directory, allowing you to tap in to the constituency of CAS fellows and associates who, like me, are eager to help you map out your career.
And finally, joining Student Central will earn you invitations to networking events, where you’ll get a chance to meet casualty actuary professionals in your area and hear firsthand what being a P&C actuary is all about. These include exclusive student programming to be held at CAS meetings in your area.

Early engagement in the CAS has proved invaluable in these first few years of my career, and Student Central will help you take your first step in that direction. The volunteer opportunities that I have taken advantage of thus far have given me a big picture view of the CAS and the people who make it the premier P&C actuarial organization that it is. Perhaps most importantly, I have become a CAS University Liaison at my alma mater, facilitating the very conversations that helped me early on in my career.

Ultimately, CAS Student Central is what you make it. It’s a resource. It’s an opportunity. It’s a community. Come join me and the rest of the CAS as we place our focus on your future.

Adina Erdfarb is an Associate of the Casualty Actuarial Society (ACAS) and currently works as a Senior Actuarial Analyst at Chubb Group of Insurance Companies in Warren, NJ. She graduated from Yeshiva University with Bachelors of Arts in Mathematics and Economics, with a minor in Business & Management. Adina is an active volunteer within the CAS, including positions on the CAS Candidate Liaison Committee and the CAS Brand Implementation Task Force, and also serves as a CAS University Liaison to Yeshiva University.

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