Exciting New Content and Resources on CAS Student Central

By Alice Chambers
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Have you had a chance to visit the CAS Student Central website lately? While we are always updating the website with the latest P&C news, and announcements about new opportunities and resources available to you, over the past few months, CAS Student Central has added quite a bit of new website content that will help you on your journey towards a casualty actuarial career. We have highlighted below the new and updated sections of the CAS Student Central website to help you easily identify and access this information. We appreciate your feedback, so if there is information you would like to see added to the website, leave us a comment, or contact us at CASstudentcentral@casact.org.

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Looking for an internship? Search through our list of more than 40 companies that are offering property and casualty actuarial internships around the U.S.  Next to each company listed, you will find information about their internship opportunities, where the internships are located and how to apply.

Preliminary Actuarial Exams

This page contains information about the preliminary actuarial exam requirements for the CAS. Under each exam you’ll find information about the content, who administers the exam, and which CAS learning objective the exam fulfills. The page also explains how to obtain an examination waiver to receive credit for exams administered by other organizations. Visit the Exam Dates and Deadlines calendar for information about when exams will be held and the deadlines to register.

What is a Property and Casualty Actuary

While you know that CAS is the premier professional organization for credentialing property and casualty actuaries – you may not fully understand what a property and casualty actuary actually is. To lend more insight into the profession, CAS members provide their own personal definitions of a property and casualty actuary.

Salary Survey

Learn about salary expectations for property and casualty actuaries. This page provides salary information for recent graduates and explains the value of the FCAS credential.

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Located all over the United States, Canada, and around the world, CAS members are employed by a variety of companies and organizations. This page provides an in-depth look into where CAS members live, the types of organizations that they work for, and the companies that employ the largest amount of members.

CAS Curriculum Guide

Located in the Career Resources section, the CAS Curriculum Guide was developed to help students, like you, build a stronger understanding of the academic strengths, technical tools and business skills that successful actuaries possess. You can use the guide to identify experiences to seek out while in college to help prepare you for a career as an actuary, specifically as you embark on the path to earning actuarial credentials through the Casualty Actuarial Society.

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