CAS Curriculum Guide: New Resource for Student Central Members

By Alice Chambers
Posted on

We are excited to present a new and valuable resource that is now available to members of Student Central โ€“ the CAS Curriculum Guide. The guide was developed to help students, like you, build a stronger understanding of the academic strengths, technical tools and business skills that successful actuaries possess. You can use the guide to identify experiences to seek out while in college to help prepare you for a career as an actuary, specifically as you embark on the path to earning actuarial credentials through the Casualty Actuarial Society.

The Curriculum Guide focuses on three key areas with multiple subsectionsย  presented in the graphic below; each subsection contains information on why that subject or skill is important for your future actuarial career, an example of when you would use it in the workplace, and recommendations for experiences to pursue to gain the skills or knowledge in that area.

curriculum guide pict3.jpg

We encourage you to review the Curriculum Guide as you prepare for the start of the school year and continue to utilize the guide as you are working towards becoming an actuary. You can access each section of the Curriculum Guide on the Career Resources tab at or download the complete guide from the website.The Curriculum Guide is just the start of many of new resources that will be available through Student Central in the coming months, so make sure to visit the website and online community regularly!

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